
Costa Mesa Alliance for Better Streets

CMABS is committed to helping make the streets of Costa Mesa better places to walk, bike, roll, and to just be.

Who We Are

This group is composed of like-minded Costa Mesa residents who recognize that we are more effective working together than we are on our own. Together we monitor local and state activity that is related to street design and land use, advocate for positive changes to the built environment, and collaborate on street projects to help move forward our vision of more humane public spaces.

Take Action

The most important way you can help is to stay informed about what's going on in Costa Mesa and volunteer your time with us as we work to make Costa Mesa a better place to be. CMABS is an entirely volunteer-run organization, and we could use folks to help with everything from emails and outreach to event setup and management. 


We invite you sign up sign up on our mailing list, where we'll keep you informed about what's going on and notify you about volunteer opportunities. 

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