CMABS Community Meeting on Neighborhood Street Safety Monday May 4 at 7pm

As we talked about in a recent message, this is a challenging time. We've seen the world change around us in a matter of moments; streets are quieter, more folks are enjoying their streets as a recreational space, but speeding and reckless driving are rampant.

Join us Monday, May 4, for a Community Meeting where everyone here in Costa Mesa (and nearby cities!) can come together and talk about what we can do to help stop speeding, calm traffic, and make our neighborhood streets safety for all users (especially those outside of cars).

Also at the meeting we'll be collecting feedback on what project(s) we want to apply for a grant that will fund up to $10,000 worth of community street-related improvement projects this summer (SCAG mini-grant, deadline is May 14). Come with ideas!

Everyone is welcome - we'll be meeting in Google Meet; please REGISTER HERE (, everyone is welcome. Bring a friend and grab a drink to enjoy as we chat about making Costa Mesa better, one street at a time!

Questions? Contact any one of our board members here or e-mail us at


Open Letter to the City re: #Covid19Streets


Join us Monday April 20 @7pm to learn about the Costa Mesa Slow Streets Initiative